Strengthening Underserved Segments of the Open Source Pipeline
Increasing the Reach of Open Source amoung High-Schoolers and Teenagers

Namaste everyone🙏🏻!
I’m Nandini Saagar, from Mumbai. An undergraduate student at the Indian Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, IIT (BHU), Varanasi. As part of the Strengthening Underserved Segments of the Open Source Pipeline my proposal under the mentorship of Emily Lovell aims to strengthen the underserved segment of the open source pipeline.
My interest in Open Source was first piqued as a freshman when I was introduced to Open Source as a place where people from all communities and backgrounds come together to create software that can have real-world impact, that too in a completely autonomous and self-governed manner! I am so glad that I could transition from just a person who imagined Open Source to be a fair-eyed dream to being a part of multiple such communities. This journey has been life-defining for me, and that’s why I want to help deliver the message of Open Source to all teenagers!
This project seeks to invite and support broader, more diverse participation in open source by supporting early contributors, especially those who have been historically minoritized within tech. It will aim to create content that anyone with some Open Source experience can use to help and guide new students to the journey of OpenSource, GitHub, and all the relevant technologies, provide a medium and platform for all contributors to share their various OpenSource experiences and testimonials, conduct an Open Source Themed Hackathon/Scavenger Hunt, and leverage the power of social media engagement to get young and brilliant minds acquainted with the technical and open-source world at an early age.
Stay tuned to explore the enormous world of Open Source with me!